DS Lötschberg auf Brienzersee bei schöner Abendstimmung

Evening cruise on the «Lötschberg» lake steamer

Enjoy a relaxing evening as you take in the romantic scenery of Lake Brienz. Enjoy the round trip on the nostalgic steamboat and let yourself be spoilt with wonderful food from the on-board kitchen.


Every Saturday from May 31 to August 23, 2025
Interlaken Ost, departure 19.07 h
Interlaken Ost, arrival 21.53 h
Round trip via Brienz, stopping at all stations as per timetable.
Subject to change without prior notice


Cruise & food *
Cruise from CHF 33.00
3-Course Menu ** CHF 68.00
* Price details are listed below
** Also à la carte offer available



Food & Drink


Frequently asked questions

Is there a menu for people with allergies?

What are my payment options in the onboard restaurants?

What is the difference between 1st and 2nd class in gastronomy?

Can I reserve a specific table or make a request?


Do you have any questions about our offers? Contact us, we will be happy to help you.