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Here you can purchase tickets and vouchers for BLS Lake Cruise on lakes Thun and Brienz.

Single Tickets

Day Tickets

Culinary cruises and events

Combined tickets – cruise and excursions around lakes Thun and Brienz

Tickets for dogs and bicycles

Tickets for groups

Seepass Lakes Thun and Brienz

Frequently asked questions

Where can I buy tickets?

Does BLS Navigation offer multi-trip tickets?

What are the payment options?

Are Half-Fare travelcards, GA travelcards, Junior travelcards, municipality day tickets and the Swiss Travel Pass valid?

Are Fairtiq and EasyRide valid?

Is there a general season ticket for cruises?

Is the Swiss Travel Pass valid for boat cruises on Lake Thun and Lake Brienz?

Are discounts offered to children and seniors?

Are special day tickets available?

Is the GA or Half-Fare travelcard valid on a culinary special trip?

Is a seat guaranteed if I have a ticket?

Can dogs come aboard?

Can I bring my bike aboard the boat with me?